About Us
Bruce Sanford is the author/inventor of The Sanford Circles of Numbers Poster-Book, The Multiple Choices Board Game, the Times Tables into Algebra “Sanford System of Systems” book, along with the Video “Helper” guides, as well as The Children’s Prayers book, The Children’s Songs book and music, The Book of Poetry and Lyrics, and the poster, “Remembering and Honoring Veterans, Victims, Servers and Sufferers.”
Bruce was born in Canton, Ohio and reared in the nearby farm town of Greentown, which is located about equal-distant between the National Football Hall of Fame city of Canton and the Inventors Hall of Fame city of Akron, Ohio. Farm life was healthy, educational, and stabilizing. He believes that getting your hands and feet in some rich earth is always reassuring , as well as a solid country church and a school choir.
After graduating from North Canton “Hoover” High School, Bruce attended Ashland and Akron Universities in Ohio, Salzburg University in Austria, and Columbia and Hofstra Universities in New York, He holds degrees in Mathematics and Theater Arts. As a practitioner in the professionl art of teaching, his Philosophy of Education is always and forever actively in progress.
Having taught courses in alegbra, nursing math, and math analysis at The City University of New York’s Borough of Manhattan Community College, as well as having taught classes of math, language, and test-taking skills for the Upgrade Training Program of the New York City Transport Workers Union and the NYC Transit Authority, Sanford also works at diagnosing and correcting math deficiencies in students, helping them along into higher math achievement.
Bruce’s itinerary over the years has been as follows:
He has learned and taught mathematics, presented workshops, and done teacher training from the Ohio Country towns and cities of Ashland and Greentown, Alliance, Akron and Canton to the Berkshire mountain towns of Stockbridge, Lenox, and South Lee in Massachusetts to the Atlantic Ocean towns of Freeport and Hempstead, New York, as well as deep into the inner city island neighborhoods of New York City’s store front and street classrooms of adult costumes and cultures to the New Jersey poetry, prayers, numbers, and songs of children in Windsor and Lawrenceville to the classrooms, lecture halls, and conference rooms of The Borough of Manhattan Community College…to Adult Basic Education, High School Equivalency and English As A Second Language circuit in all of New York City’s five boroughs of The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island, including locations from Baltic Street to Harlem to Bed Stuy to the South Bronx to Jamaica to Bay Street to Greenwich Village to Coney Island to Shakespeare Avenue to 125th Street to Tribeca to Kingston Avenue to P.S. 179 to Red Hook to Wall Street to Crown Heights to Chinatown to Spanish Harlem to Little Italy in East New York to the ABC’s to the YM/YWCA to Jackson Heights to Maiden Lane to Lincoln Center to Convent Avenue to Gun Hill Road to Benjamin Franklin High School to Metropolitan Hospital to Our Lady of Pompei to New York Telephone to Williamsburg to Essex Street to Knickerbocker Avenue to Brandeis High School to the Social Security Department to 8th Avenue to Local 1199 Hospital Workers to P.S. 20 to Jerome Avenue to Girls High to the Abraham Lincoln Senior Citizens Center, to Broadway and Times Square. These locations and the experiences while working for the people involved are all included in “Treasures of Travels in Teaching” with The Itinerant Teacher. In eight different decades Bruce Sanford has been serving his beloved USA professionally practicing the “Art of Teaching.”
Rebecca Ruth (Sanford) Sweeney has transcribed each and every math page of Breakfast Table, Kitchen Table Mathematics in a method and manner and touch that represents “Artwork” level talent of intricacy. She has transcribed each of the handwritten in-class teaching pages sent to her by her father Bruce over the years, even from when her effort/assistance all began in 2009 while teaching 4th grade level English classes in CABRA in southern Spain for three years. She continued during the summers back in the states during her normal life activities. Transcribing her father’s math book continued for the next several years by means of phone, text, email, photo and zoom connection.
Born in New York City, and HS graduated from Lawrenceville, NJ, Becca went on to complete a Music Business degree with an emphasis in Voice from Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, during which time she also toured worldwide as a member of the Lee University Singers. After graduating, Rebecca toured throughout the USA with the Glenn Draper Singers of Chattanooga, TN.
While teaching English in that bilingual primary school in CABRA, Becca discovered a joy and warmth for teaching and upon returning to the United States completed a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction fromTennessee Tech University, Chattanooga. Rebecca Ruth (Sanford) Sweeney and her husband businessman/contractor Robert, have two young boys, brothers Solomon and Jacob, and headquarter in Frankfort, KY. She “Home Schools” her 8 and 4 year old boys super efficiently. “Stay Tuned.”